February 01, 2013

good mornin', Day One

Looking back on old posts from years ago, I am reminded that dieting is hard. I've tried on and off to lose weight, but when I really think critically at my efforts, I don't really think I was deeply motivated. I thought about deleting my past sporadic posts about dieting, because it makes me look flaky, then I thought... wait, I am flaky. Best to acknowledge it, accept it and work on it.

They say (and when I say "they," I mean the voice-over on Special K commercials) that if you make one smart eating decision, it will make your next meal choice easier. Eating well begets eating well. The problem with dieting is that we are faced with numerous meal choices daily, and I think that is where I get tripped up. I can eat a good breakfast and force my way through a salad for lunch, but by 5PM, I'm ready to throw in the towel, pour myself a glass of wine and pop in a frozen pizza. Most obvious statement ever: diets are about self control, of which I obviously have very little. This is going to be about stick-with-it-ness. I keep saying that this is about the wedding (TBD in 2014), but it's not. I really do want to lead a healthy lifestyle. I want to be one of those annoyingly fit people who wake up every morning refreshed and calm (instead of reeking of booze and and wrought with self-loathing, which has been known to happen to me weekly). I want to have energy and motivation and I think diet and exercise is the best way to obtain these traits.

This morning I've done a few calculations... I could lose 22 lbs by July 5 if I eat 1,502 calories a day. Now, that is 200 more than I usually try to consume, but I have a hunch that if I cut out the booze, sugar and anything processed (which I avoid anyway), I could easily shed the weight. I was expecting it would take a full year for me to lose 20 lbs, but this is an added bonus. If I stick with this meal plan along with cardio, muscle exercises and yoga, I could easily lose 10 lbs by May, which is right about when I'll be wedding dress hunting. I want to be closer to my goal weight then by current weight by that time.

Alright, enough. Here's my pretty breakfast, filled with fiber and vitamin c:

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