February 08, 2013


Well, I've done pretty well the last couple of days. We've eaten dinner at home all week. I can't say that I've stopped drinking entirely, but I've cut back substantially. I've been walking everywhere--to both my jobs, up to campus, strolling downtown with coffee. At least once a day, I've walked the mile or so to and from my house to Lawrence's lovely downtown. I figure, if I can't bring myself to run, at least I can incorporate as much walking as possible. And I've been doing my crunches and plank at home, too, with some sun salutations thrown in for good measure.

Cooper's belt is already a little loose at its regular notch, go figure. Why is weight loss so much easier for men?? I haven't weighed myself in a couple weeks. I'm dreading the result. I think I'll take another week of solidly eating good food and walking everywhere before I face the truth.

My friend has been doing South Beach for the last three weeks. She's lost about 8 pounds, looks great, feels good and she's sticking with it really well. I think that's the benefit of doing an established diet, rather then just "eating good and exercising." But we'll see. South Beach is designed to promote instant weight loss, whereas I'm looking for a more long-term establishment of healthy habits.

With that in mind, I've been thinking a little bit about my long-term health goals...
1. Lose 20 lbs. 30 would be great, but I'm in no rush. If I lose 20 lbs, it will help me to achieve some other weight-loss goals, including...
2. Fitting into my closet-full of size 4 pants, and being able to wear my small-medium button up shirts without looking like I'm preparing for a strip-tease.
3. Losing that back roll. This is my problem area--my stomach ain't bad, my legs are fine, I'm even okay with the size of my butt, but I have this back fat that widens my profile and makes my bras incredibly uncomfortable.
4. Get into a running routine. This is the hardest because it requires the real motivation and physical commitment. I really want to do it, and ideally participate in some 5K's and half-marathons. But this is dependent on weather, on my work schedule, on my laziness, on a million other excuses I have primed and ready to use at a moment's notice.
5. Yoga and meditation. Mental strength to supplement the physical. It's essential to my idea of healthy.
6. Lastly, I want to FEEL GOOD. I just want to put something on, the FIRST thing I come across in my closet that looks cute, and like the way I look in it. I want to have energy, exude confidence and simply feel good.

Today's breakfast was BOMB, by the way. I would have taken a picture, but it was gone way to fast. Chocolate Banana Vegan Shake FTW. Recipe can be found HERE.

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