February 05, 2013

the wagon

... this weekend, I fell off it. But, never fear, I jumped right back on it yesterday afternoon, once the hangover subsided, and I'm ready to do better than last week.

A lot of people I know are doing the no carb thing with pretty great success. I thought about going back on South Beach, but after a quick look through the recipes, I remembered why I couldn't stick with it in the first place: who can afford to eat meat every single night? Chicken followed by salmon followed by flank steak, then tilapia. The idea is great, but I'm 24 and my partner's job right now is literally "student." Plus, I really like to think that the best way to eat, and live, is in moderation, and I would like to follow that idea.

So here's Kelly's approach:
-Carbs are okay as long as they're fiber rich (wheat bread, pastas)
-Salad once a day
-Sodium=bloating, so my salt intake needs to be in check
-No processed sugar, only the natural goodness that comes from fruit
-Finally, none of that chemical shit. No soda, especially not diet soda, no preservatives.
-Booze TWICE a week. This doesn't mean I get to get hammered twice a week. That means I get a glass (maaaaybe two) of wine, or a beer on those special days.
-Situps and plank twice a day

Some of these are easier to stick with than others. The chemical one is probably the most challenging, because what doesn't have that shit in it these days? Oh hell, let's be real, the booze one is going to be the worst, but I think it's also the most important. Working in a restaurant takes its toll on you physically-you're more prone to eat like crap, drink a lot, smoke cigarettes, stay up late, etc.

Today's inspiration:

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